The staff are responsible for the overall guidance of the Builder’s Refuge, confirm or deny applications, and coordinate the services we offer to best help the builders in our community. If you have any issues with the server or new ideas for us to incorporate, please let us know!

L Levang


Managers are people are active in the server and are a point of contact for the community and staff alike. Staff managers are in charge of staff recruiting and resolving staff complaints. Community managers are in charge of general complaints, membership applications, ban appeals, and resolving disputes.
Our developers help improve your experience by integrating unique web-based utilities, enhancing custom versions of familiar plugins, or even creating something entirely new and exclusive. From server management to the latest build tools, our devs help make Builder’s Refuge unique.
Moderators are members who are familiar with the server and can offer assistance if you need help. They have special permissions to remove or mute a user from the network if they are being unusually disruptive.
If you need assistance and aren’t able to find a mod online, please check the #support channel in our Discord.